Hello frens, Rosie here from Cocker Crazy and I thought I’d tell you about my lockdown life!
It always starts with hoomans waking up at 8:00 to have breakyfast, yum! But what they secretly don’t know is that I hate getting up early; not that I act it of course… don’t want them thinking I’m lazy. Cause I’m suppose to be crazy!
Anyway after eating, I get to go walkies! Definitely my fave bit of the day.. even with Lola, my sprocker fren. Luckily she isn’t so interested in the ball, which leaves it free for me to chase. Yay!
After walkies, I go around panting for the next half an hour, then sleep for ages in the garden (but only when it’s warm). I’m such a sunbather! Eat, sleep, walk, repeat, that’s my motto.
Next up is lunch. Hoomans eat, I don’t. Doesn’t stop me begging. I’ve always prefer hooman food to dog food, I’ve always been a slow eater until Lola came, but now I gobble it all at full speed!
Hoomans came and told me some great news the other day; more than one walk! So now we go out a bit after lunch as well. After that walk I snooze again. Dog life is great!
At 3:30 me and Lola have a play. Chase, jump, chase, jump and all of that fun! Sometimes we get a she gets a bit toooo crazy and I have to bark a bit to make sure she won’t hurt me.

Second walk time! This is usually a bit longer and we go up to see the fluffy creatures (sheep I think their called?). They always seem a bit scared of us, but not as scared as I am of them. I like to think I’m brave, but the hoomans day I’m a scaredy cat; rude! Calling a dog a cat is honestly the worst insult.. cats are a bit scary as well though aren’t they?
After panting and snoozying again, its time for dinner. Hooman always sits between Lola and me, because da little one always wants to eat my food!
And if finally sleep, and that means no cuddles, playing or anything hoomans! I like to sleep on big beds usually, but wham everyone else comes up I retreat to my basket, for extra comfort. (I also like to sleep straight down the middle of the bed as well, which I don’t think the hoomans like dat much).
Did you enjoy this snippet of my lockdown life frendos? Come back next time for more!